The night was once again late. Ron had gone to bed like always and avoided Hermonie like the plague. Harry looked up from his Herb Homework and spotted Hermonies skirt, up farther then it should be. No panties were where they should have been. Harry, who had only dreamed of these moments from Wizard porn, was most interfered. He looked at Hemonies face and saw she was caught up in Runes for Experts. This was for her class tomorrow. It was about midnight and Hermonie was wide awake. He began to become boring with his book, anti-dark magic for young minds. He needed to study for tomorrows test but found more to study in Hermonies posture. She was in one of the lounge chairs in the common room, slightly leg wide but that slight look allowed full vision access for Harry.
He sat there wondering what it would feel like, his shaft for the first time tasting a womens glory, and he got hard when he thought of that women being Hermonie. He heard a movement and saw a third year girl leave from the bathroom, they where alone for now. He thought of what he could do to her, fuck her right here, right now. End her over and penetrate both her holes, Harry wanted Hermonie bad and for a long time.
During this long time of thinking, Hermonie looked up, she saw him staring; Harry! Dont be a pervert, I dont need two Rons. Hermonie! I wasnt! said Harry startled.
Harry, now your Ron.
But Hemonie Nothing was showing! I was just thinking
Of what? Wait, dont answer that, I do not want to know.
Hermonie, just drop it.
Fine, just dont do it again
Fine answered Harry.
Harry, went back to his book ,but images of Hermonie, down on all fours with his shaft in her virgin ass were popping up, along with Images of Hermonie Spread wide for him.
He decided to get her in bed no matter what. Her body would be his.
He switched his boring book for a spell book and looked for a book to induce a mood of horneyness on Hermonie. He found on one spell that increased a girls sexual pleasure and another that caused its target to become wet and horny. He chose the latter and muttered the incantation under his breath. Hermonie was now starting to fall asleep and thought about going to sleep but she soon felt her pussy moist and tingling. She looked up to see Harry reading his book silently. Harry was quick to put his wand behind his Spell book so he could perform these spells in secret. He felt that the spell had worked so he did the next one which casued her to become even hornier.
uh, um Harry? Could you excuse me? asked Hermonie, her voice shaken.
Can you give me a reason too?
Um, uh, its girl things, be right back. Hermonie said as she retreated to the bathroom
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