Harry Potter Porn Story: Harry + Ginny

Harry Potter Porn Story: Harry + Ginny

Since that night, Harry could not act like he usually could around Hermonie. Her shinning eyes, her firm ass, and lovely attire, was driving him insane. Hermonie had not told anyone else besides Ginny, (Harry and Ginny hook up in the 6th book at the end, lets see how this changes things…) and Harry had not even told Ron his best friend. The ups though, he felt like a Wizard king who could do no wrong but only without Hermonie around. Soon Harry began thinking about doing it again, but the problem was the spell he had used was nowhere to be found. The night he and Hermonie had sex he left it in the commenroom and found it gone when he woke up that morning. Of course, Hermonie was not feeling the littlest of weirdness, she was actually much happier but still feuding with Ron. When Harry saw Ron these days, actually, all he really saw of Ron was his mouth on Lavender browns. So really the only good friend he still had, and she was a GOOD friend, was Hermonie. Ginny however was really looking at him a lot. While looking up potions for Snape he noticed how she was instead of writing her essay, looking at him. Staring mostly. He looked down at her skirt which had been slowly going higher and higher in response to Ginny pulling it up for him. She had no underwear on as he could see right to her hairless pussy. She quickly put it down if she didn’t realize she had done it and began writing her essay once more. Hermonie was out in the Library looking up books up the Half Blood prince again and Ron was probably out with Lavander leaving Harry to study alone. But today he had wonderful company, of Ginny. It was now spring and quite warm. The kids who had nothing to do had left and only some 1st years remain along with Harry and Ginny. Harry notices some of her features too, her lovely red hair was enough to be boner inducing but that was just the tip of her head. She was filling in it looked like and only had maybe B cup tits, but from experience with Hermonie he didn’t car what size they where. She had a face of a angle and when she smiled you felt good too. Her body was well curved and had everything Harry would want to explore. Soon he really wanted that spell. What book he tried to think…what book. Suddenly he felt as if a heat wave had just gone over him. He felt his penis rapidly becoming hard as if he was about to orgasm right there. It didn’t of course but still he felt the need to masturbate right away. He got up and went to the boy’s room when Ron, Semus, and the other boy would not be. He also noted that Ginny and he would be safe up here. He picked up his bed, and pulled out a magic Vagina. It was a fake but felt real. All you did was stick your dick in it and ask it to suck, fuck, or be a asshole to fuck. He had never tried asshole before and turned it to that. Suddenly the door opened and closed as if the wind had made a mistake blowing it open. He quickly pulled his pants up over his large penis and went to investigate. He felt a presence and wondered if it was a ghost? A invisible clock? Nah he had the only one in the school. Right in his….where was it last he though. He had not used once that winter. Did Ron take it? Hermonie? Semus? Lavander?…GINNY? He stood there in the closed doorway thinking about it. Who had it? Did he? He walked over to his bag and began searching. Quills, paper, dress robes, and ink where found but no clock… His heart was racing fast now; someone was here in the room with him. It could be Hermonie, that would be ok but anyone else would be creepy. Harry’s mind raced through faces. It might be Hermonine he thought again, or Cho? Nah she wouldn’t be this desperate. His thoughts only found Ginny as the culprit. She might know about the cloak from Ron but she might now, better just find out now. “Hello?” Harry called out, but received no answer. “Ginny?” Harry tried. And once more there was only silence Except… “Yeah Harry?” This made Harry jump; he jumped and landed on hi bed where he felt a person already there. He turned around and saw a floating Ginny head, he long red hair behind her and lovely eyes staring at him with a sense of wanting. “Uh, hey Ginny, Where did you get that Cloak?” “From your dresser of course, Ron told me you had one so I thought I would come in handy.” “Come in handy for what Ginny?” inquired Harry. “He-he, well I was going to spy on you…” Ginny said blushing. “What for???” “Well, I’ve kinda had a Thing for you since 1st year, and…I’ve been waiting to make a move ever since.” Harry was astounded at this. Ginny naked on his cock, boobs bouncing and pussy out? How could he have missed this awesome thought? Ginny had one great body, maybe even more appealing then Hermonies great body, but not my much. And without even letting Harry answer, Ginny lunged at him, the cloak coming off with her. He was pinned down to his own bed, no because she was overpowering him, it was because he was kissing her as they fell. Imminently he dug into her cloths, first taking off her bottoms as he wanted her now. The image of Ginny on his cock was never going to leave his mind. He soon got her school outfit off and she got his pants off. The nest thing to go was he panties, but she wasn’t even wearing any, that Ginny, always taking chances. “I knew this was going to happen so I didn’t bother” Ginny explained. “Good thinking” Harry said, as he flipped Ginny up to sit on his erect cock. She knew what was going to happen and braced. Harry had wondered if she was a Virgin, with all her boyfriends and soon found out she was one. This was very good for Harry. Slowly he put himself on her, entering her pleasure center with ease and wanting, and then encountered resistance. And without waiting for a word from the lips of Beautiful Ginny, he entered. “OOOOOHHHHH SHIT HaRRy!” Ginny said loudly. Harry remembered how Hermonie had taken it when she had Sex with Harry about 3 days ago. Soon Ginny’s pain had subsided and she began wanting Harry to continue. Harry felt that pure bliss he had felt with Hermonie, he couldn’t think of him now, not with Ron’s sexy sister needing his cock. Wait, Ron’s Sister?! What if Ron finds out? Will he never be able to spend time at the burrow again? That would hurt him as he was now gaining thoughts of were to fuck Ginny at the Burrow. No time now thought, a girl was riding his dick on his bed. “Uh OHHHHHHH UH OHHHHHHHHHHOOHHHH” Ginny said as she erupted in pleasure from her first organism. Harry wondered if she really had never masturbated before. Of course she had, that pussy was too good not to touch. Harry looked down at his cock being enveloped by Ginny’s wonderfully tight pussy, the mere thought, let alone image of Ginny doing this act sends him into orgasm mode. “oh Ginny, oh Ginny, how are you so tight?! Fuck I’m going to cum all in your pussy!” he said loudly, and he did just that. But instead of hearing a voice of approval, he heard a “STOP Harry!” Ginny then got off of Harry, sweating and he pussy dripping, and told Harry why. “I want you to fuck my ass Harry; you’re the first man and the only man for me. I want it to be your cock that goes into both my holes.” Said Ginny. Harry couldn’t be happier, the thought of Ginny’s even tighter Asshole being his pleasure center for his cock was almost enough to cum right there. Though he didn’t, it could have happened. Slowly he got behind her, her pussy shining in the dark room and sexy curves showing to Harry. He was now at the entrance of Ginny’s glorious asshole and begging to go through. “Just a minunite Harry” said Ginny, she then took out her wand and said “Lobnous!” and Harry’s dick was then coated is a very smooth substance. “Ok Harry, fuck me hard…” Harry did just that. He began by coxing Ginny’s ass into likening itself being violated and found that Ginny was really enjoying this. Harry was too now that he was Balls deep in her Ass. Her lube spell really helped and soon she began to shout words of encouragement to fuck harder and never stop. Her ass was now a fucking machine, broken in by none other then the boy who lived. “Fuck Harry!” Cursed Ginny, as she soon came closer to her inventible orgasm. “Uhhhhhhhh” Ginny said near a yell now, and Harry wondered why no one had heard her yells yet. He soon didn’t care one bit and began to enter his organism at a surprising speed. “FUCK” Harry Released, ” I’M FUCKING CUMMMINGGG” Harry yelled but didn’t care. “ooooooHHHHHHHH” Ginny moaned as she felt Harry’s hot semen come inside her. The knowledge alone made her cum right there, which caused her own juices to mix with Harry’s. Harry stayed there for a minute, still letting drips of Cum go into Ginny’s ass, she was breathing hard now, and suddenly Harry herd someone coming up the stairs. “Shit! Shit!” Harry said quite lowly as he demounted Ginny’s wonderful body, “Get Dressed Before they open the door Ginny!” Ginny then stood up, cum dripping down out of her ass and pointed her wand at the door and said “Recomotios!” Which made the door lock. “Ginny, Wha-” said Harry as Ginny kissed him, her tongue darted into his mouth and he began to do the same thing. “Oy! This is my room! Lemme in!” said a voice from outside. Harry didn’t even flinch as he kissed Ginny, still nude and dripping. “Semus? You there? Hellllloooo!” Said the voice. Ginny then let go of Harry’s tongue, Grabbed her cloths and went under the invisibility cloak that Harry’s father had given him. Harry did not dare say a word and began getting his robes back on hastily. He got his robe buttoned up when the door finally opended and in came Ron. “Oy! Harry, couldent you hear me?” “No, I was sleeping Ron” “Then was it you who was doing all the yelling?” inquired ron, “might have, I had another dream….” Harry lied. “Oh Harry, you might wanna tell Doubledoor about it, I mean anyone in the commenroom could have heard ya.” This made Harry’s belly twinge, he had been really loud and people could here. Then something caught his eye, a bit of floating red hair went by Ron’s back and out the door and Harry smiled inside. He really wanted to tell Ron about Hermonie, and now Ginny but, it was Lunch time, no time for telling of sex. “Anyways” began Harry. Changing the subject, “should we have a bit of lunch then?” “Yeah, That’s why I came up here in the first place!” They both went down to the Lunchroom happy but Harry was most pleased.

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Luna Lovegood got busted while having a threesome!

Harry Potter Hentai

Hentai Picture: Luna Lovegood got busted while having a threesome!
Take a slant at perfectly-formed sovereign Harry Potter adolescents dressed in twin size habit that scarcely accommodated their whomping chebs… It’s high time to shove seomthing inside this heavily bosomed Harry Potter babe with her ass cheeks so hot and an aching fanny! This whore got crazy: she begins to triffle her snatch with her playful fingers and took off from that.

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Harry Potter Porn Story: Wicked

Harry Potter Porn Story: Wicked

“Wicked? You?” Harry said, chuckling.

 “What? You think I can’t be?” Hermione said, walking steadily toward him. She walked him right into a corner. He looked nervous now, as she pressed the entire length of her body against his. “Just because it’s a side of me I’ve never showed you doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist,” she whispered, running a hand down his chest and down to the crotch of his jeans, where she could feel the hardening bulge of his erection. A strangled sound came from deep within his throat as her hand grazed over it. She smirked.

 Feeling indeed very wicked, she ran her hand back up to his chest, beneath his shirt this time. She felt his abdominal muscles flutter beneath her fingers as she pressed her hips into his. He had his eyes closed and his head had fallen back to rest against the wall. Hermione licked her lips and then, lightly, brought them to his exposed neck. Harry let out a guttural sound of pleasure; it sent a thrill of power through her. She wanted to drive him completely mad.

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Harry Potter Pornography Story: spell book 7

Harry Potter Pornography Story: spell book 7

Draco Malfoy had the Spellbook of Desires; a book he knew would be put to good use at both meeting his needs and getting back at his mortal enemy, Harry Potter and his friends. As he flipped through the thick leather-bound book, he realized the power it could have over the students of Hogwarts. Not only would he have the ability to get any pussy he wanted, he would be able to use it against anyone who crossed him, student or teacher. Malfoy however, now knew what had happened to his mother and was furious. Ron Weasley had used one of the spells from the book to influence his mother to have sex with him in the restroom during the Quidditch World Cup. The odd disappearance of his mother and her flustered return from the bathroom after Weasley came out sweating was a clear indicator of the book?s involvement. It was on the basis of this encounter that Malfoy had decided to get back at Ron Weasley and his entire family. Embarrassment seemed to be the best method to achieve that goal; so as Malfoy and the rest of the students of Hogwarts settled into Hogwarts for the school year, he was already planning his course of action.

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Harry has no problems with pleasing two hot students at once!

Emma Watson Carton Porn

Hentai Picture: Harry has no problems with pleasing two hot students at once!
Get yourself a notion of the most intimate part of lifestyles of the heroes that’ve always been there, slipping some good fuck on superior series! Sex-starved Hermione Jean Granger getting her asshole filled with manly meat and taking a creampie right between her tiny pink pussy lips. Sex edition of Harry Potter is here for you with new episodes from the sex lifestyles of celebrated personages!

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Harry Potter Pornography Story: spell book Barely legal

Harry Potter Pornography Story: spell book Barely legal

The First Task was over for Harry and the other champions, with all of them getting through the event, relatively unscathed. Fleur received a few burns, but Harry, Cedric and Krum were kind enough to give her a soothing lotion rubdown to treat her. Harry had had his way with Hermione; using an enchanted necklace, he had been able to lower Hermione’s inhibitions and make her suck his cock. Not only that, but Ron had apologized for the way he had been acting towards Harry after the task and as a reward, Harry had been kind enough to lend over the still sexually uninhibited Hermione to Ron, so he could get his rocks off as well. Ron had fucked Hermione silly for nearly twenty minutes before depositing a massive quantity of cum, deep inside the teen witch’s vulnerable womb. Luckily for Hermione, she was able to steal another vial of pregnancy potion and avoid any possible pregnancy. After that, she and Ron decided to run up to Gryffindor Tower and set up a little party for Harry, with the help of Seamus, Dean, Fred and George.

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Harry Potter Porn Story: Spell book 1

Harry Potter Porn Story: Spell book 1

Harry was having the best time of his life; he was with the people he cared about the most, and he was at the event of the year; the Quidditch World Cup. Harry, Hermione, and most of the Weasley family had just arrived at the campground, and Harry already knew it was going to be a match that he’d never forget.

Mr. Weasley had just asked Harry, Hermione and Ron to go and fetch some water for their tent. As they made their way through the mass of exotic tents and people, Harry was stopped by an odd looking salesman. The salesman wasn’t even trying to blend into the muggle environment; his appearance was way over the top; flashy orange and yellow clothing, topped off with a bright neon green top hat.

Harry would have simply continued on walking, brushing the madman aside, but for some reason he was drawn to him.

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Harry Potter Porno Story: Spell book 6

Harry Potter Porno Story: Spell book 6

Draco Malfoy had just caused the entire Weasley family the greatest amount of embarrassment possible; after Ginny was fucked by three fellow Gryffindor students, the entire Weasley family was sharing the embarrassment of having a whore in the family. Malfoy’s plan had been complex, daring, and a complete success. The only problem was, Malfoy had felt a pang of guilt and attraction after putting Ginny in such a compromising situation. Malfoy had escaped with Pansy and the Spellbook of Desires under his invisibility cloak without anyone ever knowing that it was his doing that had led to Ginny and the Weasley family being embarrassed in front of the entire Gryffindor House. Harry, Dean and Seamus were now all sleeping off their exploits, unaware of what they had done and to whom they had done it to. Ginny on the other hand, had been carried back up to her room by a number of Gryffindor girls with a pussy full of Harry’s hot sticky cum.

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Harry Potter Porn Story: Spell book 26

Harry Potter Porn Story: Spell book 26

The Second Task of the Triwizard Cup had gone exceedingly well for Harry Potter; not only did he manage to score extremely well; he was able to take advantage of three very attractive and unconscious girls. Hermione, Cho Chang and Gabrielle Delacour had all been at his mercy; tied to a post, deep under water and completely defenseless. Instead of getting caught molesting three innocent girls, Harry had been rewarded extra points from the Judges for his valor and a little something extra from Gabrielle’s gorgeous older sister, Fleur. And because Ron had helped Fleur’s sister also, Fleur promised to properly thank both of them as soon as possible. She told them that she’d fuck them both whenever and wherever they wanted, just for saving her little sister. Harry and Ron had decided on Ron’s birthday, a week after the Second Task, as the perfect day for plowing the young French witch, who was all too eager to satisfy their sexual lust.

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Harry Potter Porn Story: Love in the closet

Harry Potter Porn Story: Love in the closet

harry was sweating in potions he had never been worked so hard in his life snape was being twice as evil after harry beat slythrian in the quidditch final by 200 pionts hermione looked across the table ‘harry are u alright u look a bit hot’ as she said this harry caught i glance of i wink or was it his immagination he deside to leave it and carry on with what he was doing after the lesson hermione caught up with harry and told him to folo her she lead him to i old broom closet once in hermoine pushed harry to the wall and start kissing him harry was so shocked but he acted back by kissing back but before he knew it hermoine had her hands down his pants and moving towards the front next thing harry knew was bang hermoine had hit him with i speel he didnt knoe wat she used i silent speel but harry fell unconsious he woke up about 1hour l8r to find hermoine rinding his cock moaning harry i alays wanted this harry counldt hold he he let out i moan as he blasted him cum in here 9 months had past since that moment of heaven and know here was harry holding his new son james hermoine was laying in the bed next to him looking faint but happy HARRY WAS I FATHER

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